Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm losing sleep

The Arias have really gone down in quality the past few years, this year presented to me a brand new low.


my resume has been completed!
all i need is a cover and im set to work where ever.


Friday, November 13, 2009

its the beginning of freedom

Exams are over

nothing more, nothing less but freedom and 4 months of nothing to do but live life


happy blogging

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the time has come again

for another blog!

quick as usual, time has flown by again.
exams etc etc etc

How to use a swing if you're Jim

anyone can be a photographer, just point and click

The effect of exams is showing on my friend Nhan, he left one question out on his methods exam. I feel for you brother.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

To kill time and other things

It's been too long

Since I've finished school I can blog much much much more often.

But what about?

Exams are the order of the day right now, I only have my HD, Art and Business exam to deal with...but that won't be the end of me coming to school, no.
There is still the end of year concert to rehearse for and a new song to play for the choir that will be happening this year, oh the static of it all is exciting.

So what has been happening lately?

Becker's 17th, my first record player, graduating, english exam, music (theory and prac) exam, a wall mounted aircon in preparation for the summer - that will no doubt be a scorcher - still needing to pay for my guitar pedal, formal shopping, hummer payment and the payment of my art canvas.

Damn, I'm so fucked.

Since its the holidays that are fast approaching, The time has come again for when the band converges at my house for a week-long rehearsal/writing/recording session. Things I hope will be much more organised than they were last year - last year the computer shit itself when we tried to record - couple of new songs to be written and recorded, maybe even work the kinks out of some of them.

not much else to report other than meeting Johnny Mckay from Children Collide at State Library, freaking awesome day that was.
cue short story

I was sitting with friends *cough* studying *cough* on the third level of state library when I see a red hair woman walk in with a familiar face accompanying her, they stood at the doors looking up at the ceiling while I looked at them thinking about whether it really was Johnny from Children Collide. Considering they're a band from Melbourne I got up and walked over to ask if he was Johnny from Children Collide,yes he was.

Johnny and I