Sunday, December 4, 2011

Like Clockwork

Like clockwork, hands greet and pass.
Set apart, torn at the heart and eyes that leave pillows with a scent of salt.

It's dead text and missed phone calls, early mornings and late nights spent so dull.
The cogs, the gears, and all our fears are rusty with wicked words and tortured thoughts.

She runs up to your side, and tells another lie and says that everything will be alright.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

mandarin peels

there's one sitting on the computer desk like a bloomed flower, I wouldn't mind another one but it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too cold to get one from out in the kitchen.

The bands changed names again, and this is a keeper. Reason being is that I felt uncomfortable saying - insert band name here - now it's a simple "Chambers"

I'm adamant on keeping my hair short from now on, but it'll be a pain cause my hair grows super quick.

I've got tickets to the Arctic Monkeys and The Vines - The Vines was my girlfriends idea - and I'm super keen on both of them!

I want singing lessons but there aren't exactly any close by in my area, when I get a car that'll be a different story...provided that I can be bothered.

I want to get my course over and done with so I can focus on working more often, two shifts a week isn't cutting it in terms of pay.

I'm very close to having my full pedal board, so far I'm pretty sure the whole board is worth $1500+, EVERY CENT WAS WORTH IT.

I want an acoustic guitar and a back up electric guitar, I've got someone that's saving up to buy my old mex tele but they're taking their sweet time.

Right now Gotye is playing through my speakers, to much of an under rated artist in Australia.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

its been way too long

here I sit on the computer as always thinking about what to blog about.

Thank you Miss Melanie Au for asking

"why don't you blog anymore?"

I work nowadays so thats a bit of a downer to not having 5 minutes to spend posting something that only a pinch of people will read.

What's been happnening?

I've enrolled for my second year at uni
I'm working at Max Brenner's
I'm becoming awesome at making coffee

- really fucking slowly -

And The Bells are rehearsing very often which has me over the moon.

We recently did a photo shoot, a very very very lame one.

Here I present, The Bells sleeping with their instruments.