Tuesday, January 26, 2010


for the first time in months, I've never felt so low.

I've had all this spare time during these holidays, to do nothing but waste time and to think about it now. I live quite a sad existence,it feels as though I'm not going anywhere in "life"

I'm 18, I don't have a fucking job and do the same thing every single fucking day.
sleep,eat,play guitar,go on the internet and stay on till the early morning.

I wish that I was still in year 10. This was the time that I was truly carefree. Without worry of what to do when I finish school as the end of school was still two years away. Class was actually fun to be in cause we didn't have exams and sacs to care for and the teachers knew that too.
Teachers don't give a fuck till you hit VCE. This is when they hound you to do copious amouts of work in such small time. We're made out to be like adults when we're all only 16,17 or on the brink of leaving 17,18.

Some of my teachers we're cool enough to tell us that we're only kids and that the work load is silly. Sorry to say but the Principal has no idea as to what she/he was doing and from my knowledge a HUGE number of my teachers would just laugh when we talked about her/him.

What else has been on my mind?

The past is an odd thing. For me it has either, motivated me to improve myself in a certain area,show me how much things have changed and finally make me feel like I've hit rockbottom. Which is where I am right now.

I'm faced with growing up and letting go of certain things.

No more hormones and alcopops
No more laughing at the most immature things
No more or not many more memories to be made with my highschool friends

Fuck becoming an adult.

The past makes you also think about where others you once knew and were close with are at the moment.

I miss the old days,I really do.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

2010 so far in pictures

As the title suggest, pictures that have been taken so far in 2010

- with the exception of the first picture -
l to r - Nam, Raf, Thong, Tyrone, Myself, Trang and Linh

My 18th - Myself with the guitar, Becker, Thao and Paula

My 18th again - My girlfriend and I

Generator party under a freeway

E.T shedding light on where there is none

Monday, January 18, 2010

2010 looks good

So I've been accepted to do technical production at VU. Enrolement is on the 27th.

In other news I've signed up for paypal and an ebay account...here I come rare finds of the guitar pedal kind!

Raybans for $50? heck yes


Friday, January 15, 2010

I need a job

Once I get a job, every bit of money I make goes towards the purchase of a guitar that will be my new main guitar.

The Fender Jazzmaster aka Jizzmaster ( see what I did there...ha-ha)

This is the picture of a japanese model which isn't THAT great in quality but cost $1550.

I've done my research and have come across an american made 66 re-issue for the same price. Knowing that it's a 66 re-issue means to me that its more faithful to the original specs of its debut. Enough guitar chit chat!

My band has a gig on the 28th of March at Bridie O Reilly's in Brunswick. Give me a yell if you want tickets which are $13 and you must be overage, sorry.

Take care now


Saturday, January 9, 2010


this always fucking happens.

and I'm fucking fed up with it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

thus far into the story

So I turn 18 in 5 days, scary thought really.

Lets see what the perks of momentous event are
- legal consumption/purchase of alcohol
- over age gigs/concerts/movies
- being able to play R18 games (I play games once in a blue moon)
yeah, I can't be bothered thinking of anymore perks for turning 18.

So let's see whats been happening 4 days into the new decade.
I'm a start off with New Years Eve

So my girlfriend is the first to show up to my house and we end up falling asleep in the lounge room watching How I Met Your Mother. I wake up and...shes disappeared?!
Turns out she was in my mums room playing tekken 3 with my younger brother, Jordan.
So I go shower and prepare the house for my two other friends who will join us in the festivities.

Namely, July and Thong.

July and Thong eventually come over and we start by flicking through the vast array of programs on the dearly beloved foxtel set top box.
Lord of the Rings, the Wizard of Oz, the 2009 American Music Awards.
Nothing to do with the looming new year a few hours away.

So we decide to whip out the monopoly set
*1 hour later*
Thong emerges the victor...bastard

Kill more time and finally the countdown is here!
we all enter 2010 with alcohol,hugs and sparklers.

July decides to go to another get together and my girlfriend is picked up by her older brother.
Thong and I end up watching the discovery channel to which Thong falls in and out of sleep watching.

Now comes 3am. Johnny and Keles call and ask to come over.
Lo and behold, when they come over they have an eski with BOOZE.
A few hours later they end up leaving and I cannot be bothered typing anymore right now.

I've been up since 3 50pm. So that's 16 hours with no sleep and I've got band rehearsals in a few hours.

Hooray for me.

Take care now,ya hear?