Sunday, January 3, 2010

thus far into the story

So I turn 18 in 5 days, scary thought really.

Lets see what the perks of momentous event are
- legal consumption/purchase of alcohol
- over age gigs/concerts/movies
- being able to play R18 games (I play games once in a blue moon)
yeah, I can't be bothered thinking of anymore perks for turning 18.

So let's see whats been happening 4 days into the new decade.
I'm a start off with New Years Eve

So my girlfriend is the first to show up to my house and we end up falling asleep in the lounge room watching How I Met Your Mother. I wake up and...shes disappeared?!
Turns out she was in my mums room playing tekken 3 with my younger brother, Jordan.
So I go shower and prepare the house for my two other friends who will join us in the festivities.

Namely, July and Thong.

July and Thong eventually come over and we start by flicking through the vast array of programs on the dearly beloved foxtel set top box.
Lord of the Rings, the Wizard of Oz, the 2009 American Music Awards.
Nothing to do with the looming new year a few hours away.

So we decide to whip out the monopoly set
*1 hour later*
Thong emerges the victor...bastard

Kill more time and finally the countdown is here!
we all enter 2010 with alcohol,hugs and sparklers.

July decides to go to another get together and my girlfriend is picked up by her older brother.
Thong and I end up watching the discovery channel to which Thong falls in and out of sleep watching.

Now comes 3am. Johnny and Keles call and ask to come over.
Lo and behold, when they come over they have an eski with BOOZE.
A few hours later they end up leaving and I cannot be bothered typing anymore right now.

I've been up since 3 50pm. So that's 16 hours with no sleep and I've got band rehearsals in a few hours.

Hooray for me.

Take care now,ya hear?

1 comment:

  1. Haha, funnily enough, there are NO R18 games. But still great to be able to do over age gigs, really opens things up for you. Hope you have fun being 18 and Happy Birthday!
