Tuesday, March 9, 2010

there's a first for everything

today being
my first day of university.

Well, my first day was meant to be yesterday but due to the hella crazy storms Melbourne had, the recording studio my first class was meant to be at suffered some flood damage.

f u c k

So I'm here with my bag all set with pens, books, moleskine etc all packed for the first day.
Its odd since pretty much all my friends bar one started a few weeks ago.

Can't help but think of the morning where I received my enter score and thought
"oh dear, how the hell am I going to get into uni?"

Now I'm here a few months later geared for my first day.
Here comes the first dose of routine since November.

take care



  1. How was your first day? :D

    They're expensive =(

  2. first day was good~

    and they may be a little pricey, but they're worth it.
