Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are

I'm not a movie critic but I'll say it was a pretty good movie.
They expanded the book
- which contains only 10 sentences -
Into a movie that went for 101 minutes.
Fair effort I must say.
The Soundtrack was possibly the best one I've heard this year.

So Christmas is fast approaching which can only mean the new decade is just up ahead,kinda scary considering there's all this hoo-haa over 2012 and what not. Who's to say it will really happen? Don't fret about the future but just take your time and soak in what's happening in the now...dude~
What does the new year bring?
Means that I turn 18 and that the band can finally, fucking finally start gigging. I think we've got enough connections - namely 3 bands - to which we can start organising events with.

2010 also means the yet another change in social life now that I've completed highschool and awaiting an acceptance letter to go into uni. January 18th is when I'm meant to get my letter but let's not worry about that now.

Off to bed it is,goodnight.


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